Sunday, 4 September 2011

Reflection Week 7

In this week, we were asked to prepare a spreadsheet and a database using Microsoft Excel and OpenOffice Base. We make a spreadsheet on financial analysis and students' achievements and at the same time, prepared a graph on students' achievements. Regarding the database, we were required to make it consisted of student, parent, curriculum and co-curriculum databases. Quite hard for both of the task but we managed to get through it.

Abang Joharizal
Institut Pendidikan Guru Kampus Sarawak
H/P: 0145985319
Yahoo! Group:

Reflection Week 6

In this week, we were required to conduct a task called Creative Effective Multimedia Presentation. Basically, we were asked to prepare a presentation based on Assignment 5 and a multimedia video based on our topic. My partner and I chose Operating System as our topic. Since it was not the first time we involved with this, it was quite easy. Thanks to my partner, he helped and contributed a lot.

Abang Joharizal
Institut Pendidikan Guru Kampus Sarawak
H/P: 0145985319
Yahoo! Group:

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Reflection Week 5

This week, we learnt about 2D graphic editing and were given a task to create a brochure and a booklet using Microsoft Publisher. Since it wasn't a first time I used Microsoft Publisher, so it was not pretty hard for me. For me, this was the fun task that I had done in this subject. Others? Quite boring because it was only black and white but this one was different, full of colours. But still, my same partner and I made a black and white booklet. That's all from me. There isn't much to write in this blog.

Abang Joharizal
Institut Pendidikan Guru Kampus Sarawak
H/P: 0145985319
Yahoo! Group:

Reflection Week 4

This fourth week, we were taught about conducting simple surveys using Google Doc and printed questionnaires.  At first, we were required to create an account in SurveyMonkey because we learnt more about conducting surveys through it. After that, we were asked to create a real questionnaire consisted of three type of questions; multiple choices, checkboxes and scales. Each type consisted of 10 questions, made the questionnaire to have 30 questions ( 10 multiple choice questions, 10 checkboxes and 10 scales) to be sent to our own coursemates. After that, we made a report based on the findings from the servay. My partner (Leon Lennie Lening) and I conducted a survey, analysed the data using SPSS ( Statistical Package for Social Science), a software that blow up the minds of me and my partner because it was damn confusing and wrote a report on operating system. Quite hard, but we managed to get through the hardship.

Abang Joharizal
Institut Pendidikan Guru Kampus Sarawak
H/P: 0145985319
Yahoo! Group:

Sunday, 7 August 2011

Reflection Week 3

This week, same pair again, we were asked to create a report on Course Management System/Learning Management System (CMS/LMS). The report should include Why, Where, What, When and How. In the report, we also had to include the advantages of CMS/LMS. At first, it was quite hard to understand what is CMS/LMS actually. Does it same with e-learning? Is it a software? We did more further reading about this and finally, CMS/LMS became less difficult. We managed to get the report done. That was the first thing. Second, we had to upload it using Google Docs and shared it to others. We hope all of the people we shared understand the report and get something from it. What did I learn from this? CMS/LMS is like a tool for a better management in education and it covers wide range of usage in education. For example, to supervise the performance of students, distribution of same and up-to-date notes from anywhere and can be conducted any time in location points with web access.

Abang Joharizal
Institut Pendidikan Guru Kampus Sarawak
H/P: 0145985319
Yahoo! Group:

Reflection Week 2

This week, my partner (Leon Lennie Lening) and I were required to do a task. This task known as Think, Pair and Share. In this activity, we had chose an interesting topic related to computers that was Operating System and we had to relate it with Open Source Software. Since it was the first time we studied about computer and its components; hardware and software critically, it was quite tough at first to understand the information we got about Operating System but with the aid from the lecturer and course mates, it became less confusing. Then, we were required to create a Google document based on the topic chosen and share it in Facebook Group. What I learnt from this task were the new knowledge on how an Open Source Software (OSS) is affected by the operating system. Since the OSS can be modified and redistribute, many of OSS are developed for certain operating systems. For example, NeoOffice is developed from OpenOffice for Mac OS X and the modified office suite is more stable in Mac OS X compare to other office suites.

Abang Joharizal
Institut Pendidikan Guru Kampus Sarawak
H/P: 0145985319
Yahoo! Group:

Saturday, 16 July 2011

How to Create A Yahoo! account & Group, Gmail, Blog, Facebook Account & Group

How to Create A Yahoo! Group
  1. Sign in to our Yahoo Account (email). 
  2. Go to the Yahoo Group home page -
  3. Click "Start your group".
  4. Customise our Yahoo! Group account (e.g. privacy settings, name of group).
  5. Invite friends and lecturers through their email addresses.
How to Create A Gmail Account
  1. Go to
  2. Click "Gmail".
  3. Click "Create an account".
  4. Fill up the details required.
  5. Verify the Gmail account through alternate email.
How to Create A Blog
  1. Go to
  2. Click " Create a blog".
  3. Register using the Gmail account.
  4. Verify the registration through the Gmail.
How to create a Facebook account
  1. Go to
  2. Fill in details in the "Sign In" section.
  3. Follow the procedures step by step.
  4. Verify the Facebook registration through email address used.
  5. Click "Account"
  6. Click on "Account Info" to register for an official Facebook URL
  7. Edit our username.
  8. Save the changes.
How to Create a Facebook Group
  1. Log in to our official Facebook Account.
  2. Click "Create a group".
  3. Click "Create a group".
  4. Add our coursemates and lecturers.
  5. Click "Create" to finalise everything.
  6. Reset the group's privacy setting from "Open" to "Restricted".

Abang Joharizal
Institut Pendidikan Guru Kampus Sarawak

Reflection Week 1

We are required to create accounts (Yahoo! and Gmail), an official blog, a Facebook account and a Yahoo! Group. It was pretty challenging because honestly, I am a computer illiterate. But thanks to all my coursemates and lecturer, Mr. Fariduddin, I managed to do it.

The steps are pretty easy since the instructions are quite understandable especially in creating email accounts and Facebook account. But for blog, I faced some difficulties since this is the first time I have a blog. I learned how to manage the blog such as design it, writing a new post and etc.

That's all from me. Honestly, I don't like to have a blog but now, I can see the benefits of it

Abang Joharizal
Institut Pendidikan Guru Kampus Sarawak
H/P: 0145985319
Yahoo! Group:

Sunday, 10 July 2011

Introduction: Word of Wisdom

"Knowing others is intelligence, knowing yourself is true wisdom, mastering others is strength, mastering yourself is true power"

I dedicate this to all my classmates as an introduction to this blog